Picture Book, Colored Pencil Drawings & Doodles

Tuttle Publishing has published the English edition of “Colored Pencil Drawings & Doodles: Draw Adorable Animals, Flowers, Foods and Characters With Just 12 Colored Pencils!
This is a book of drawings with 12 colored pencils. This book is mainly about how to use colored pencils, how to paint, and how to draw simple illustrations. It contains many tiny illustrations, and I think it is a cute book like a picture book.
It is a book that I am very attached to and I am very happy about it.
The cover has a UV finish and the colors are beautiful. Also, the size of the book is about two times larger than the original.
We hope that many people in English-speaking countries will take a look at this book.
It is available at bookstores nationwide, TUTTLE, Amazon, yodobashi, etc.

title: Colored Pencil Drawings & Doodles: Draw Adorable Animals, Flowers, Foods and Characters With Just 12 Colored Pencils!
published in 2024/ 9
author: Atelier RiLi
editor: Impress editorial department
publication: Tuttle Publishing
ISBN-10: 4805317957
ISBN-13: 978-4805317952
shop: TUTTLE, Amazon, yodobashi
2024. 10. 1. Tue.